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Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring

In order to most effectively serve the community of Raritan Township, it is important for the Raritan Township Police Department to strive for a workforce that reflects the diversity of this township and that can effectively interact with all community members. With this need in mind, in October 2020 the New Jersey Legislature passed a law requiring each law enforcement agency in New Jersey to establish a program designed to ensure every agency was “comprised of law enforcement officers who reflect the diversity of the population of the community the agency is charged with protecting.” N.J.S.A. 52:17B-4.10 et seq. (the “Act”). The Act directed the Attorney General to develop these Guidelines to ensure its uniform application.

These Guidelines describe the process by which each agency shall establish a program to (1) identify underrepresented groups and (2) take action to address any underrepresentation. Additionally, in accordance with the Act, these Guidelines set forth procedures for the collection and reporting of demographic data regarding recruiting, hiring, promoting, and other personnel actions concerning law enforcement officers in New Jersey.

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