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PBA Local #337

New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association Local #337 is a non-profit labor organization whose membership consists of all sworn municipal police officers employed by the Raritan Township Police Department.  PBA Local #337 is devoted to maintaining a safe and fair working environment for its members so they may effectively protect and serve the residents of Raritan Township.

PBA Local #337 was founded by members of the Raritan Township Police Department and chartered by the New Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association.  Our membership is proud to take an active role in making our community a safer place.

 The website for the PBA can be found here.

PBA Local #337 Fund Drive Information

Please be advised that PBA Local #337 DOES NOT SOLICIT DONATIONS BY TELEPHONE.  PBA Local #337 makes only one request for support each calendar year on clearly marked letterhead that is delivered via the United State Postal Service.  Please be advised that any donation made to any other organization, including the Fraternal Order of Police and International Association of Chiefs of Police, goes solely to support those organizations and not PBA Local #337 or the police officers who are employed in Raritan Township.

In these difficult economic times, we ask that you carefully consider the destination of any contributions you choose to make.  The members of PBA Local #337 greatly appreciate your generous support and look forward to working with you in the future.


PBA Local #337 Executive Officers:

President - Ryan Barry
Vice President - Brian Mayer
State Delegate - Margaret Hammond
Treasurer - Geoffrey Benz
Recording Secretary - Eli Walters
SOA Representative - Joseph Canonica





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